Santa Rosa, New Mexico
Kids Yoga and Body Movement with Myria and Elizabeth
Thank you to Polly Robinson for this wonderful donation
Children spend weeks raising these beautiful butterflies and then released them.
Children enjoying Cocoa and Popcorn as they 'board' our Polar Express Story time
Priscilla Chavez, Joan Chavez, Kathy Baca, Brenda Campos, Theresa Dean, Tania Gonzales, Mary Martinez, Myria Trini
Thank you Herman and Anna, we loved learning about and making Hollyhocks
What a fun MLK Story Time and Arts & Crafts day! Thank you to our Volunteer reader Roberta Olguin from Easter Plains Headstart and Phelomena from The Communicator who joined in our fun!
What a fun MLK Story Time and Arts & Crafts day! Thank you to our Volunteer reader Roberta Olguin from Easter Plains Headstart and Phelomena from The Communicator who joined in our fun!
Roberta Olguin from Head Start, teaching us some songs
Lots of giggles filling our Library
Littles also had the opportunity to play the guitar and keyboard
Patty Barela from Head Start , making instruments with our littles, out of recycled materials
What a fun day with Girl Scouts working on their World Thinking Day Craft,  "OJO DE DIOS"
Happy Birthday Dr. Suess !
What a fun trip around the world. Girl Scouts introduced us to different places, including Scotland, Egypt, Belize, France, South Korea and many more. We learned about the different cultures and food!
Thank you, Evelyn Facio, who came out to do a meet and greet and book signing for her new book "ABC's for a 'Lit' life! Her book is filled with ideas, beliefs, and practical actions and applications that are guaranteed to bring the reader more peace, joy, and love in their everyday life
Thank you, Miss Sarah's Performing Arts Limited Co., What a fun day learning all about Tap, Ballet and Jazz
Happy Valentines Day!
Thank you NMSU Guadalupe County Cooperative Extension Services for another fun Round-About

Programs & SErvices

• Faxing Service -  $1.00 a page outgoing; .25¢ a page incoming.

• Scan to email

• Copies & Printing - .25¢ black/white $1.00 color copies (photo paper not provided for color photos).

• Public Computers

• Small meeting areas mostly open space - no separate rooms.

• Programing in the summer for kids - Storytime and Arts & Crafts.

• Wi-Fi available inside and outside the building

• Outdoor tables & seating

• Water bottle filling station - indoor drinking fountain

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New Mexico State Library

“Let us look to this library to contribute in greater and greater measure to the moral strength and the civilization of this community, this state and this nation,”

Justice Irwin S. Moise in his dedication speech at  the opening of the Moise Memorial Library on November 16th, 1968.

About us


Mary MArtinez


Tania Muller-Gonzales



Library Clerk

Noah Sanchez

david salazar